Thursday, September 30, 2010

Reality Vs. Ideal (Blog #1)

School today is very interesting; there are so many things that intrigue me about school. Since I am as freshman at Blair High school, I still don't know what to expect. Many things are working for me though. For example the ability to get to my classes on time, that is very interesting. Blair is a very big school, and it is unlikely to get lost once in a while. I think my teachers are a very big help for me. The first week of school, I would ask my teacher how to get to my next class, me and the rest of each freshman lined up in the class. In Middle school they would always say when you get in high school they aren't going to be how easy we are one you. Each day I realize that, as I get back some papers and realize how I did, (knowing I can do better) I ask the teacher if I can re-take the assignment, the teacher smiles and says “This isn't Middle School Things that really don’t work for me is getting to lunch. Wow, it is very crowded just to get lunch. Then afterwards to find a seat is a journey. Another thing that I really dislike is the fact that my gym class is right after lunch, I always feel like I am going to regurgitate. One thing that does not work as well is the amount of buses to come for my bus stop. There are way too many people trying to get on the one bus transporting us to school. I noticed that if u are the last 3 or higher then you are standing. Miraculously, I’ve only stood once, on the first day. Then I noticed that if you want a seat, you must keep moving, and try not to worry about being nice. I keep myself motivated to get my seat by telling myself, “Well I know this person won't give me their seat if they had the last one". I know it sounds harsh but that’s just how it is. The role of administrators and teachers are very important. Like I said before, the teachers are doing a good job of treating us like "high schoolers". The administrators are doing a good job as well. I've went to my Counselor once or twice before to have help for some important things. From my experience from them, I guess they are doing their job, from what I’ve seen. Socializing is very common in Blair. From my experience, I think it is very frequent in Blair. It's not even then end of a semester, and I’ve met so many people. More and more people are getting to know more and more people each day. I enjoy that in my school. I really enjoy Blair even though there are multiple things I don’t agree with.
  School should be a place where kids can learn and educate themselves, and also feel safe, and wanted at a school. Some people have hard times in life, and they rely on school to be where they express how they feel, whether it be positively or negatively. If it were up to me I think I would keep Blair pretty much the same, except for some things. I would have three lunch periods; I think that would decrease much crowded spaces in the lunch room. Also, if I knew people literally have to run to the bus stop for a seat I would send two buses to the spot. I know that that would probably cost a little bit more money, but I would start fundraisers, and or bake sales to raise money for it. I would also start making the morning periods ten minutes to twenty minutes longer. I feel that the morning periods are a little short. I would also let students listen to music in the hallways, even though some do. I don't know if that is a rule or regulation, so I would make it one just in case. I would change when gym class is, I don't even like my gym period for the simple fact that it is directly after lunch. If it were my choice, I would keep the teachers as the same. Sometimes change isn't better, so I wouldn't want to risk that. I honestly like the Blair building, so I think I would keep it the same. Most kids would say that they would want the classes to be 30 minutes or less. To be honest with you I think the class periods should remain the same. I enjoy Blair High school, I wouldn't change a lot from it, sometimes change isn't better.
Joshua Briggs (Jay-Man)


  1. I agree with you when you say we should have 3 lunch periods instead of only 2, with this many students at blair, we cant fit half of them in one lunch period. sometimes, i dont even bother eating because it takes way to long.

  2. That 3 lunch period idea is good but it wouldn't work because then time would need to be cut off each lunch and then there would only be 20 minutes for each lunch.
