Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Taking A Stand

Taking a stand means to stand up what u believe in, and putting yourself into the position to stand up for that belief. It is also to stand up, even though there could be consequences to bring you down. Many people in the world today take a stand for many things they believe in. One group of people are the ASPCA, (The American Society For The Prevention of Cruelty To Animals) they take a stand to help, and save the lives of animals who are abused, mistreated, or unhealthy. Tom Robinson does take a stand for himself, better than most people would have done. Because of the society, racism played a big role in the court case in the book To Kill A Mockingbird, it made it very hard for Tom Robinson to really defend himself. Along with himself, he was defending the reputation of the African American people in Maycomb. In the court room, he naturally took a stand to even be in the courtroom, in front of everyone in Maycomb to defend himself. Tom eventually got killed from running away to escape jail, after being proven guilty of the rape of Mayella Ewell. Afterwards believing that he had no chance to escape the conviction he tried to escape jail. He was shot 17 times.  If Tom Robinson hadn't run to escape jail,  he would've been killed by being lynched, or mutilated. I believe that Tom Robinson was going to die anyway, yet if he hadn't run he would've stayed alive longer.

Joshua Briggs
Pd 7